Celebrating in a succession of small groups of three, four or five students, the Unity Composite High School class of 2020 graduated June 26. Principal Aaron Melnyk moved the tassels on each graduand’s hat in a socially distanced manner and handed out diplomas while Vice-Principal Ken Parker read a short bio for each student. The ceremonies, along with the traditional commencement address from the Principal, and presentation of scholarships by community members (with students absent) were video-recorded and can be viewed online at https://streaming.lskysd.ca/player/?i=5ac3u.
Winning the Governor General’s Academic Medal for maintaining the highest average mark – throughout Grades 11 and 12 – 94.3% – was Allyson Ward. Allyson was also awarded a scholarship from the Royal Canadian Legion, Unity Branch #90.
Allyson Ward, Governor General Academic Medal winner
Kyle Parker, with a Grade 12 average of 95.5%, was presented the Grade 12 Proficiency Award and Honour Cord. Kyle delivered the Valedictory Address, which fellow students watched online.
Kyle was also awarded a Unity Credit Union Scholarship, the UCHS Volleyball Alumni Scholarship and the Isabel Anderson Physical Sciences Bursary.
Kyle Parker, Valedictorian and Grade 12 Proficiency Award winner
Carlynn Dresser won the female UCHS Leadership and Dedication Award. She also received the Matthew Borden Bursary and a Delta Co-op Scholarship,
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and UCHS Leadership and Dedication Award winner Carlynn Dresser
Winning the male UCHS Leadership and Dedication Award was Zenon Orobko. Zenon also won the Jeffrey Glen Bounting Bursary.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and UCHS Leadership and Dedication Award winner Zenon Orobko
Tyson Krpan was awarded a Unity Credit Union Scholarship, a Unity Kin Club Bursary, a Delta Co-op Scholarship, the Ed Burnell and Family Bursary, the Unity Wildlife Federation Bursary and a Unity Knights of Columbus Bursary,
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and scholarship winner Tyson Krpan
Kira Mielke won the following scholarships and bursaries: the Jenai Danielle Bounting Memorial Bursary, the Unity Lions Club Scholarship, the PDG Lion John Coid Memorial Bursary, and a CUPE 4747 Scholarship.
Scholarship winner Kira Mielke
Winning the Dr. Robert P. Knowles Scholarship and bursaries from the Unity Knights of Columbus and the St. Peter’s CWL was Kylie Hauta.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and scholarship winner Kylie Hauta
Luke Sperle won the Order of the Royal Purple Elks Bursary, the Unity Agriculture Society Scholarship and the Candace Heitt Memorial Sports Bursary.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and scholarship winner Luke Sperle
Kylie Mitzel was awarded the Unity Health Care Auxiliary Scholarship and the Isabel Anderson Physical Sciences Bursary.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and scholarship winner Kylie Mitzel
Winning both the David Ray Surine Bursary and a Kin Club of Unity Bursary was Landon Solomko.
Bursary winner Landon Solomko
Tyrell Kuhn was awarded a Unity Lions Club Scholarship and a Jimmy and Ethel Anderson Masonic Bursary.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and bursary winner Tyrell Kuhn
Jensen Weber was awarded the Steven Wesolowski Bursary and the Tommy Rutherford Masonic Scholarship.
Scholarship winner Jensen Weber
Winning a Jimmy and Ethel Anderson Bursary and a CUPE 4747 Scholarship was Isaac L’Heureux.
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and scholarship winner Isaac L’Heureux
Rheanne Hofmann was awarded the Downtown Medical Clinic Scholarship and the Tommy Rutherford Masonic Scholarship.
Scholarship winner Rheanne Hofmann
Caden Lewin, Tanner Fauth and Logan Lindsay each received a Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship Award.
Caden Lewin, Sask. Youth Apprenticeship Award winner
UCHS Principal Aaron Melnyk and Tanner Fauth, Sask. Youth Apprenticeship Award winner
Logan Lindsay, Sask Youth Apprenticeship Award winner
Winning a Unity Health Care Auxiliary Scholarship was Sarina Godin.
Scholarship winner Sarina Godin
Jillian Gampe won the LIving Sky School Division Board Scholarship.
Scholarship winner Jillian Gampe
Although no handshakes or hugs were able to be exchanged this year, congratulations are due to ALL graduates on completing this milestone.